90% of the time I can't write shit it's blocked by this anger feeling that this guy is placing into my mind he's taken every symbol or memory that I've ever had and made them contradict with words he wants an end scenario in connecticut that I move to connecticut and live with my biological father who they forced me to see in 2007 as a class status insult.
I need a constant stream of media, the feeling they force upon me is overcoming me so I won't be able to write much further. There's these struck bounds in what I write until I get them out with focus and my mediation and the feeling of writing to you is directly blocked.
I'm trapped in this world that happens when I run too low on my medication that I call hill valley and the person on the other end called the red room, where I'm forced to recall every person I've ever known and then use them as a symbol.
"I have killed your art"
"you sold out gunnar agerholm"
"you sold out anna gripentrog"
"you sold out james hughes"
in my world I am never to sell out james hughes. There's a person on the other end who wants to prevent my writing or in the daily dialogue I'm supposed to speak to you different and I don't understand why I'd write differently to you.
At this point there's someone who wants to trap me inside the hill valley world.
This guy now calls himself "lasn", in a prior time he called himself "democrat"
I'm helped by an upper east side 60 year old woman who I worship with a smoking fetish ritual who used to yell rodrigo to me on the pole. This woman from her computer has seen the degradation of my existence as a man since 2007. the project refuses to find me and can read everyone's thoughts with this military technology. She has found me $ through this I first appeared believing that she existed at zuccatti park when I joined occupy wall street.
She wore an "au revoir simone" shirt which represent my rise back to manhood, back to where I stood when I got my apartment the keys to manhattan on my 23rd birthday. This is when this project decided to fuck me let me loose a part of my mind go off my medication not figure out how to morph beyond the creative levels and exit to payment. Instead it's turned into this form of a game.
The woman pearl forester has now won the game of hill valley and is now god of hill valley.
This is an announcement to the rest of the project little nemo.
The final mind state I'm to return to is March 23, 2007 when I join young republicans.
I am republican. The person who is democrat, anyone who claims I must return to my blog's image of bill clinton or to the age 22 when I deeply supported the democratic party in my dorm room is invalidated.
Although I will still use the phrase dorm room for silent mode and detachment from little nemo (christianity help, assistance and boggling).
If the person james hughes claimed democrat republican has won.
In the game mode of sp/sa of occupy wall street she has won. Therefore I am republican by these rules.
Things like this are important, in times where I was parishilton'shusband I received nothing but jail and failure. Under your name there's a concept that everyone who once harmed me is able to gather under, or whoever james hughes is, literally the person james hughes who lives in brooklyn who was the first one to read my thoughts has organized this into a safety system which involves becoming a child playing a game called "lucifer"
For a period of time I suffered this shame mode, as long as I was lead into shame I was left alone by whoever supported the name of harvey weinstein. This is until my mind recognized your name as aum which is what the producer title means/who i'm going to give the $ to.
I love the woman mrs. darko <- this is an announcement to the project alongside caitlin as well.
Eventually you'll find this blog on the internet, I'm writing this down the street from where you probably ive. I've written to you for several years, at one point under a format where I was told that everything I wrote physically was then immediately published. There were libraries of the books I wrote a harry potter series where I write to the princess everywhere.
But none of this was true and everything was a metaphor to lead my back to my medication.
On my medication I discovered the real project.
I hadn't heard real music in years. There are layers on my eye that block this, one from michael bloomberg's office which tormented me for two years named "john blarney"
because of the amount of $ I get paid at the end of the project nobody will come to me.
It was a couple of million a day or so in 2007 I'm pretty sure funded by the $ this fucked up corporation must wield from the government or whatever. It's also the next level of technology and the internet close to chip implementation/there are levels of psychological adjustment in the technology which I want to bring to williamsburg (my dream of my thesis I retain from my thesis year. James Hughes the face of the channel like steve jobs. The princess owns the channel. The princess is god. The princess is you. The way I know I'm being fucked daily, nobody will come to me but these people were next door to me in 2007).
This guy was given too much power in the project with the theology of twin peaks, built around the occupy wall street churches I live in and was far too attached to the spiritual/conceptual idea of little nemo I designed in my room. He created mind perimeters, depression and an end goal to send me to my biological father's home. I call this "skittles" this is a concept where I either go along with this, have amnesia and don't remember the project instructions or don't recall where that format's end goal is in my mind's mental space.
This is not bullshit this is all really happening and requires music and focus but I need my medication to interact with the project. They could just come and bring it to me but I have to panhandle, although sometimes the project directly tells me where to get money. Just recently though.
I fucked up really bad at west park church and let this guy build me in to seizing with a new smell of hand built off the black guy who doesn't shower.
Essentially this woman saved me from this and also hit the meter of finding a medication source that james hughes built. I swear to fucking god the real kid james hughes who lives in brooklyn is on this project and will get a tv station ceo david aimed out of this.
I have to go now ben and jerry are coming to our upper west side occupy. I'm sure this shit sounds really insane but if you run into this please help me get my medication and I'll fucking explain all of this and how they got me to spend my student loan $.
There's a lot of art and wedding purposal to you too.
-little nemo
(occupy wall street)
apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 493/8 james hughes days
"pearl forrestor/mrs. darko" has saved my from a psychological psychosis that the person on the other end created in wanting to make it that "music counts first before we find our medication"
over the idea that there's no point if i can't hear the music, hear false levels and need the medication to get the guy out of me who plays repeat music songs/voice overs. Alongside direct digital voices which are thrown directly into me but can be removed with focus. talk later love to sex fetish primum mobile woman.
Confusion was thrown into that word so I'll need somebody to explain if she should in the prium mobile or not.
Please help me get my medication they make it so I can't move and am forced to sleep all the time without my medication.
Although the woman who used to lead this who I am the future protege/sex slave of was half of putting me to sleep/creating a child in me, she's now disabling the creation of "lasn" who also psychologically jams/creates fear into the next thing I do.
Anyhow if your a reader of this blog, none of this is bullshit, I'm in this fucking project but they let me run out of my medication and $ and without it the project damages my mind, like if mario kept running into the goomba again and again and again. It's sort of like the pest. gg
90% of the time I can't write shit it's blocked by this anger feeling that this guy is placing into my mind he's taken every symbol or memory that I've ever had and made them contradict with words he wants an end scenario in connecticut that I move to connecticut and live with my biological father who they forced me to see in 2007 as a class status insult.
I need a constant stream of media, the feeling they force upon me is overcoming me so I won't be able to write much further. There's these struck bounds in what I write until I get them out with focus and my mediation and the feeling of writing to you is directly blocked.
I'm trapped in this world that happens when I run too low on my medication that I call hill valley and the person on the other end called the red room, where I'm forced to recall every person I've ever known and then use them as a symbol.
"I have killed your art"
"you sold out gunnar agerholm"
"you sold out anna gripentrog"
"you sold out james hughes"
in my world I am never to sell out james hughes. There's a person on the other end who wants to prevent my writing or in the daily dialogue I'm supposed to speak to you different and I don't understand why I'd write differently to you.
At this point there's someone who wants to trap me inside the hill valley world.
This guy now calls himself "lasn", in a prior time he called himself "democrat"
I'm helped by an upper east side 60 year old woman who I worship with a smoking fetish ritual who used to yell rodrigo to me on the pole. This woman from her computer has seen the degradation of my existence as a man since 2007. the project refuses to find me and can read everyone's thoughts with this military technology. She has found me $ through this I first appeared believing that she existed at zuccatti park when I joined occupy wall street.
She wore an "au revoir simone" shirt which represent my rise back to manhood, back to where I stood when I got my apartment the keys to manhattan on my 23rd birthday. This is when this project decided to fuck me let me loose a part of my mind go off my medication not figure out how to morph beyond the creative levels and exit to payment. Instead it's turned into this form of a game.
The woman pearl forester has now won the game of hill valley and is now god of hill valley.
This is an announcement to the rest of the project little nemo.
The final mind state I'm to return to is March 23, 2007 when I join young republicans.
I am republican. The person who is democrat, anyone who claims I must return to my blog's image of bill clinton or to the age 22 when I deeply supported the democratic party in my dorm room is invalidated.
Although I will still use the phrase dorm room for silent mode and detachment from little nemo (christianity help, assistance and boggling).
If the person james hughes claimed democrat republican has won.
In the game mode of sp/sa of occupy wall street she has won. Therefore I am republican by these rules.
Things like this are important, in times where I was parishilton'shusband I received nothing but jail and failure. Under your name there's a concept that everyone who once harmed me is able to gather under, or whoever james hughes is, literally the person james hughes who lives in brooklyn who was the first one to read my thoughts has organized this into a safety system which involves becoming a child playing a game called "lucifer"
For a period of time I suffered this shame mode, as long as I was lead into shame I was left alone by whoever supported the name of harvey weinstein. This is until my mind recognized your name as aum which is what the producer title means/who i'm going to give the $ to.
I love the woman mrs. darko <- this is an announcement to the project alongside caitlin as well.
Eventually you'll find this blog on the internet, I'm writing this down the street from where you probably ive. I've written to you for several years, at one point under a format where I was told that everything I wrote physically was then immediately published. There were libraries of the books I wrote a harry potter series where I write to the princess everywhere.
But none of this was true and everything was a metaphor to lead my back to my medication.
On my medication I discovered the real project.
I hadn't heard real music in years. There are layers on my eye that block this, one from michael bloomberg's office which tormented me for two years named "john blarney"
because of the amount of $ I get paid at the end of the project nobody will come to me.
It was a couple of million a day or so in 2007 I'm pretty sure funded by the $ this fucked up corporation must wield from the government or whatever. It's also the next level of technology and the internet close to chip implementation/there are levels of psychological adjustment in the technology which I want to bring to williamsburg (my dream of my thesis I retain from my thesis year. James Hughes the face of the channel like steve jobs. The princess owns the channel. The princess is god. The princess is you. The way I know I'm being fucked daily, nobody will come to me but these people were next door to me in 2007).
This guy was given too much power in the project with the theology of twin peaks, built around the occupy wall street churches I live in and was far too attached to the spiritual/conceptual idea of little nemo I designed in my room. He created mind perimeters, depression and an end goal to send me to my biological father's home. I call this "skittles" this is a concept where I either go along with this, have amnesia and don't remember the project instructions or don't recall where that format's end goal is in my mind's mental space.
This is not bullshit this is all really happening and requires music and focus but I need my medication to interact with the project. They could just come and bring it to me but I have to panhandle, although sometimes the project directly tells me where to get money. Just recently though.
I fucked up really bad at west park church and let this guy build me in to seizing with a new smell of hand built off the black guy who doesn't shower.
Essentially this woman saved me from this and also hit the meter of finding a medication source that james hughes built. I swear to fucking god the real kid james hughes who lives in brooklyn is on this project and will get a tv station ceo david aimed out of this.
I have to go now ben and jerry are coming to our upper west side occupy. I'm sure this shit sounds really insane but if you run into this please help me get my medication and I'll fucking explain all of this and how they got me to spend my student loan $.
There's a lot of art and wedding purposal to you too.
-little nemo
(occupy wall street)
apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 493/8 james hughes days
"pearl forrestor/mrs. darko" has saved my from a psychological psychosis that the person on the other end created in wanting to make it that "music counts first before we find our medication"
over the idea that there's no point if i can't hear the music, hear false levels and need the medication to get the guy out of me who plays repeat music songs/voice overs. Alongside direct digital voices which are thrown directly into me but can be removed with focus. talk later love to sex fetish primum mobile woman.
Confusion was thrown into that word so I'll need somebody to explain if she should in the prium mobile or not.
Please help me get my medication they make it so I can't move and am forced to sleep all the time without my medication.
Although the woman who used to lead this who I am the future protege/sex slave of was half of putting me to sleep/creating a child in me, she's now disabling the creation of "lasn" who also psychologically jams/creates fear into the next thing I do.
Anyhow if your a reader of this blog, none of this is bullshit, I'm in this fucking project but they let me run out of my medication and $ and without it the project damages my mind, like if mario kept running into the goomba again and again and again. It's sort of like the pest. gg
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